Conspiracy charges are serious criminal allegations that can lead to severe consequences. These charges often apply when two or more individuals agree to commit a crime and take any steps toward completing it. Understanding the potential penalties can help those...
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New York Criminal Defense Legal Blog
How to avoid penalties for conducting payroll in cash
In some situations, employers might not be able to make payroll the standard way, such as through direct deposit or checks. For instance, a small business might experience technical issues with their payroll system or face financial limitations that prevent them from...
Legal considerations for self-defense tools in New York
In New York, certain tools often considered for self-defense can carry significant legal consequences. You might think you are protecting yourself, but it is crucial to know what is legally allowed. Understanding self-defense tools In New York, the law is very...
Can prescription drugs lead to a DWI charge?
When people hear about arrests for DWI, they often think of alcohol as the primary culprit. However, prescription drugs can also impair one's ability to drive safely and lead to legal trouble. Understanding the impact of medications on motor vehicle operation is the...
What can cause a false positive or malfunction in a breath test?
Breath tests have become a trusted method to detect alcohol levels in drivers. However, these tests are not foolproof and can sometimes give inaccurate results. If you suspect that such a device has malfunctioned, you do not necessarily have to accept the results....
Fighting assault charges with a defense of others claim
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to protect someone from harm and are later charged with assault, you should understand your options for defense. Claiming the defense of others could help you fight the charge. Proving a defense of others claim...
What constitutes criminal conspiracy in New York?
People may have heard about someone committing conspiracy in the news or elsewhere. Some examples of this crime include a person attempting to hire other people to carry out a murder or robbery. However, many people are unaware of what the act of conspiracy actually...
What are the consequences of adults providing alcohol to minors?
Many adults in New York State safely and legally enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two to relax and have fun. However, many laws surround the consumption, sale and distribution of alcohol, with driving under the influence being one of the most severe breaches of alcohol...
Can you commit illegal insider trading by accident?
Illegal insider trading can land you with hefty fines and even jail time. If you are using nonpublic information to make money in the stock market, you have to be very careful with how you go about it. You may think of insider trading as something only experienced...
Refusing a chemical test during a DWI stop
If the police pull you over on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, they will ask you to submit to a chemical test, which they use to confirm whether or not you are under the influence. In New York, officers decide whether to test blood, saliva or urine. Can police...