For many people in New York and across the country, the prospect of a confrontation with law enforcement officers can be unnerving. As such, some people may not immediately know how to respond, potentially resulting in legal complications. In fact, a man now faces...
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Needed To Defend Your Case
Month: January 2020
New York traffic stop results in DWI charge
There are a variety of different reasons why someone would be driving during the early morning hours. Despite this, it may be easy for law enforcement officers to assume that those driving during the time period are under the influence of alcohol. For example, it is...
Have you or your company come under suspicion of email fraud?
Facing any type of criminal accusation can throw one's life out of balance. You may have believed that you were operating your business in accordance with the law or carrying out other activities without any notion that you were under suspicion. However, you ended up...