While everyone hears that drinking and driving do not mix, many people still make the mistake of getting behind the wheel after having a few drinks. While some people may do so because they think they will not get caught or will otherwise not face any negative...
The Experience And Integrity
Needed To Defend Your Case
Month: November 2019
If a plea bargain is offered, should you take it?
Under some circumstances, a person may feel that he or she will appear guilty no matter how much of a defense is put up. Certain pieces of evidence may seem particularly difficult to combat, and as a result, an accused person may wonder how he or she will get out of...
New York college student arrested for assault of roommate
It is understandable, perhaps even expected, that people who are forced to live in close quarters with one another will experience some degree of conflict. That conflict, however, rarely turns violent. Unfortunately, an altercation between two roommates in New York...