Most people likely have no idea how they would react if they were faced with a home intruder. However, the urge to protect self and property is likely an understandable one. Despite this, a man in New York faces a murder charge after an alleged confrontation with...
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Needed To Defend Your Case
Month: September 2019
Steps to take if pulled over for DWI in New York
Drunk driving accidents account for nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities, according to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. That stat alone may lead some to think twice before drinking and driving, but many continue to do it anyway. Laws for driving while...
The 3 categories of theft, depending on severity
Standing accused of any type of crime can turn your life upside down. A number of scenarios could lead to criminal charges coming against you, and from the start, it is important for you to gain as much information as possible about the charges themselves and your...
Man faces DWI in fatal New York accident
Most every driver in New York has had a moment when their tires momentarily leave the road. While this is often innocuous, it can cause some drivers to panic and overcorrect. However, depending on the time of day and age of the driver, police may be quick to assume...