For many people in New York and across the country, the prospect of a confrontation with law enforcement officers can be unnerving. As such, some people may not immediately know how to respond, potentially resulting in legal complications. In fact, a man now faces...
The Experience And Integrity
Needed To Defend Your Case
Drug Possession Crimes
New York drug possession consequences: variable and wide-ranging
Criminal charges linked with illegal drugs run a wide gamut in New York. Legions of defendants across the state face legal challenges relevant to simple possession of a relatively small amount of marijuana intended for personal use. Others face allegations tied to...
A little bit of cocaine could cause big problems
It’s okay to go out and have a good time. However, you should have fun responsibly within the parameters of the law. Dabbling into cocaine could land you in severe legal trouble as New York has a low tolerance for any amount of possession of the drug. How much is...